Informačné centrum mesta Košice, Hlavná 59
Kod pocztowy:
040 01
00421/55/ 625 88 88
00421/55/625 45 02
48°43’16.75”N 21°15’34.47”E
-2 °C
5 °C
Przeważnie słonecznie
-2 °C
4 °C
Duże zachmurzenie
-5 °C
2 °C
Duże zachmurzenie
-4 °C
4 °C
Duże zachmurzenie
-6 °C
5 °C
Częściowo słonecznie
Informacje w języku polskim nie jest dostępna.
erb erb

Košice - the metropolis of Eastern Slovakia - is the second largest town of the Slovak Republic, has the area 175 km2 with number of permanent inhabitants almost quarter of million.
The town has a rich and famous past, which left precious jewels for today in the form of unique architectonic buildings, with leading dominant of Košice - the Cathedral of St. Elisabeth. The historical centre, which represents a perfect developed type of a town with lenticular square, is at the same time the largest monument reserve of its character in the Slovakia. The town centre after extensive reconstruction has become in the new clothing the object of pride not only for Košičans, but also for all of Slovakia. Košice is distinguished by exciting cultural, social and sport events, themost known of which are celebrations of Day of Košice, Košice Spring of Music, International Peace Marathon, the Festival of Sacred Music, the Košice Christmas, etc. The suburban region of Košice and its direct vicinity create suitable opportunities for short time and long-time recreation, the summer and winter tourism. The town became a favourite meeting place for visits of diplomats, politicians, as well as many other important personalities, the names of who are perpetuated on the historical pavement. More detailed information about town and its environment are provided by The Information centre of the town Košice, Hlavná 59. Phone 00421/55/625 8888, Fax: 00421/55/6254 502.